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How To Protect Your Phone From The Elements This Summer

Summer is here and so too are the hot weather, cottage visits and dock hangouts. Want to know how to help protect your phone from heat and keep it safe all summer? These tips will help you hold onto your phone until the fall.

Protect Your Phone
As soon as you take your phone outside, it becomes much more vulnerable to damage, especially if you’re running, biking or just generally being active. Buying a good phone case or phone screen protectors will help keep your device, particularly its screen, safe in the event it is dropped on a hard surface, such as concrete.

Waterproof Cases
While you shouldn’t plan on swimming with your phone, a waterproof phone case can certainly help prevent a lot of sea- and poolside mishaps. Just keep in mind that the sound coming out of the speakers and going into the microphone might not be up to your phone’s usual standards because of course, those holes are now covered up.

Temporary Protection
A very short-term and not nearly as reliable way to protect your phone from the elements is to put it in a clear, seal-able plastic bag. You can still work the touchscreen through the bag, if necessary, but you won’t want to use your phone too much while it’s encased in plastic, as this can cause it to overheat. But it will certainly help keep out water and sand if you’re throwing your phone in a beach bag.

Invest in Phone Dust Plugs
Dust plugs simply block the holes in your device uses for charging, plugging in earphones and more. They come in very basic black or white, simple metallic finishes or adorable charms that will help keep sand and dust away from the more critical parts of your device.

Keep It Cool
If your phone overheats, it can may cause irreparable damage to your battery and even the device itself. When batteries overheat, they can swell and eventually crack your phone’s screen. So To help prevent damage, keep your phone in the shade, inside a bag or in your pocket. iPhones have a wonderful, built-in warning that lets you know that the phone is too hot and can’t be used until it cools down. If you don’t have an iPhone, check the temperature by simply touching your device to see how hot it is. If it feels hot, put it away.

Don’t Leave It In The Car
Finally, if leaving your phone in the sun can overheat it, think about how hot it gets inside a car in the summer. Never leave your phone in your car. When you come back, it may not turn on. 

The above content is provided for your reference and interest only. It is intended only to provide a summary and general overview on matters of interest and is not a substitute for, and should not be construed as, the advice of an experienced professional. Loblaws Inc. or its affiliates do not guarantee the currency, accuracy, applicability or completeness of this content.

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